Looking for a WOW Color!

As I mentioned a few days ago, Autumn colors have inspired my paint choices for the rooms I have painted in our home.

Last night, in the middle of the night (I thought I was dreaming!), Susan whispered in my ear \”I want you to paint the sitting room.\”

I am puzzled about what color to paint this room. It is the room we drink our evening cocktail in, where we enjoy wine and cheese, conversation, read, and watch Jeopardy or Sarah\’s House.

Here is a self-portrait. I am sitting on a C.R.Laine couch reading Homer\’s Odyssey by Gwen Cooper to Nadine:

Here is another self-portrait in the same room (I\’m reading John Gutmann, The Photographer at Work; Nadine doesn\’t seem all that interested):

Here is one more self-portrait; I just want to give you a feeling for the room. Here I am reading Art in America (I don\’t know where Nadine is.):

And here is a peak at some of the art:

The wall facing the couch is one solid, custom-made, oak unit. It holds a TV, books, CDs & stereo and sculptures of elephants.
This is the room which we enter most often from the outside. It has three doors: one to the garage, one to the backyard, and one to the front/side yard/driveway.
What color would WOW you when entering this room?

3 responses to “Looking for a WOW Color!”

  1. I was thinking how lovely a seafoam green would look next to that loveseat to bring out the russet tones. Plus some leaves don't vibrate into colors but sort of fade into a pale olive before withering into brown. And then I saw a close color in the rug. And you can see a shade of it in the paintings. Green is earthy; it's cool but it feels safe. How many conversations have you had while sitting outside, even under the stars? Green invites community. But I can't say whether I'd for a darker shade or a pale one. I think that would depend on how \”cave-like\” you want this room to feel or be. I'm blabbering.

  2. I love your couch and the bold orange tones. And that rug is perfect. I was thinking of suggesting a green, but it would overpower the room in green (bec. of the rug!). So maybe a happy buttercup? or cream? anything that would complete a triad without competing out the colors. And because you have dark wood + furniture it needs to be a lighter color!PS: You've got great taste in art and I love your use of color!! That dining room and your living room are absolute stunners!

  3. Thank You Satia and GB.I'll keep you posted.

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