The First Day of Autumn

I love Autumn.

And I love what my good friend, Ann Bingley Gallops, wrote yesterday about this time of the year on her Blog, Open Spaces, Feng Shui:

“In Feng Shui this is a time to consider the balance in your life, a time to take stock of your inner needs in relationship with your commitments to the outside world. It’s also a great time of year to meditate about what you’ve harvested this year and the seeds you wish to plant for success in the year ahead. One of the easiest and most pleasurable ways to do this is by getting outside: bring yourself back into balance with the beauty and bounty of nature.”
I like to think of this taking stock as being in the world in a state of astonishment:

Fitzgerald Lake. Northampton, MA. Photo by Bruce Barone.
It is the age old question (or prayer): Where am I going? 

Railroad Tracks. West Springfield, MA. Photo by Bruce Barone.
Again, today, I ask myself “what am I called to do” and “how can I make the world a better place.”
To paraphrase Rumi; I remind myself: I need to be permanently astonished. The second thing I need is to love; to draw upon love for energy. And the third thing is sacrifice–giving the drop that is myself.

Simone Weil said: “Absolute attention is prayer.” Seeing. Prayer. Astonishment.

We design the world by the way we choose to see it! I choose to see beauty and to share that wonder, that astonishment with all. 

Hay Field. Easthampton, MA. Photo by Bruce Barone.

I believe God has given me a gift. A gift for believing in Love and Seeing Beauty–and Creating Artful, Remarkable, Memorable Photographs.

Walt Whitman said:
“To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, Every cubic inch of space is a miracle. Every square yard of the surface of the earth Is spread with the same. . . . What strange miracles are these! Everywhere . . .”

Photo by Bruce Barone.

I photograph people and nature for a living. My mission is to connect with people, inspire people, and build community.

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