I Am Blessed

A message arrives:
“In browsing through (your photos) this morning,
I’ve noticed that EVERYTHING you shoot is “beautiful”.
Your eye seems to hone in like a laser sight
on the subject, or object,
and capture it’s most beautiful available SECOND for posterity. Just amazing.
Photo by Bruce Barone.
From my soon to be published book,
“Famous People Famous Places”
with an introduction by Luc Sante.
If you want distinctive nature, documentary or portrait photography–photography with soul that inspires you to live a more artful and beautiful life, please contact me.

5 responses to “I Am Blessed”

  1. Bruce, you are the Best Photographer/Documenter~

  2. Congratulations!Can’t wait to see the book.

  3. Congratulations on your book!

  4. I’d like a buggy like that for my grandbaby-in-waiting.Congratulations on the book, Bruce!

  5. Amazing photograph Bruce!xxsftrend

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