My Wife, The Blogger

My wife, Susan, is a great story-teller. And she has recently started writing a Blog, STORIES ABOUT SUSAN.

Susan and Freddy

Stories about her family. Her faith. Her career. Her craft—soap-making.

Soap by Susan

She is, I believe, a spiritual force. The tagline for her Blog, Stories About Susan, is “stories that will touch your soul.”

I remember once driving home from MassMoCA. “May I read aloud to you?” she asked. Susan read to me a chapter, “Your Heart’s Desire,” from a book entitled “Power Through Constructive Thinking,” by Emmet Fox. The chapter begins: “An old adage says: ‘God has a plan for every (person), and He has one for you,’ and this is absolutely true.”

I can’t stop smiling. Who is this Susan? Not yet my wife, but madly in love with her. I knew the night we met we would spend the rest of our lives together. I loved her. Love her. Her gift of words. Of story-telling. Of love. Of faith. Her stories make me laugh. Her stories make me think. Her stories inspire me. Her stories make me love.

Her memory astounds me. How can you explain memory?

The legendary surrealist Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel on the existential importance of memory: “Life without memory is no life at all, just as an intelligence without the possibility of expression is not really an intelligence. Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing.”

Susan once said to me:

Put your trust in God.
My mother was a saint.
To this day.
I hear the birds soaring.
Our purpose in life.
God has a master plan.
The leaves are ablaze.

Are you looking for inspiration?

If so, please visit my wife’s Blog, STORIES ABOUT SUSAN.


Susan inspired this:

She who taught me
To count gift and after gift. Today
Seven tomato plants growing
In the garden. Two jalapeno plants
And two rows of beets.
Three rows of lettuce.
Two eggplants. Twenty-five
Bright yellow marigold plants.
One large butterfly bush. Zinnias
Bordering on the garden
On three side. There is
Much to see. A pink clematis
Growing up the garden arbor.
A garden gate opening into
The slate path leading
To the ripening red tomatoes
And green jalapenos.
I keep looking.
I keep counting.
Three basil plants.
Cilantro. Tarragon. Oregano.
In the middle of the garden
The garden fountain spray and
Birdbath. Three purple
Finches drinking at it and
A monarch butterfly circling 
The garden. I keep looking.
What am I missing?
The six decorative croquet balls.
The cucumber vine I am 
Training to grow up the arbor.
A gargoyle on the fence.
The cosmos.
Fern-leaf dill. Parsley.
A bright red fuchsia plant
Potted in a painted yellow colander
Hangs from a garden hook in the corner
Of the garden. This is our garden.
The garden of Susan and Bruce.

Be inspired and visit STORIES ABOUT SUSAN.

2 responses to “My Wife, The Blogger”

  1. Bruce Barone, my good man, thank you. You are my inspiration for all that I do.

  2. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman!

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